Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Stephanie's day Acht in München!

So as much as I want to write about the degradation of having what seemed to me as a characterless show of Jewellery held within the clinical boundaries of carpet walls and glass holdings, I have something my more amusing, and inspiring for the adult with a child inside.

Today started as most of these mad group excursions do, with our group chasing Karin to the studio of  another talented jeweller for us to fawn over and ask a million questions of. Today we met Laura Deakin and Mari Ishikawa, who share a studio. I don't know how one small studio can hold so much talent! I was definitely in a state of awe the entire time, as shown in this photo of me....

Anywhoo, the story begins as we leave this creative place, Karin bringing up the rear. This story shall forevermore be refereed to as:
Karin's Embarrassment 

Picture in your mind, the group of students standing outside, watching the slightly opaque glass for Karin. One by one, we all recognise the blur of colour pressed against the glass as Karin, who's making strange faces, but sadly, before we could take pictures, Chris notices a tiny old lady trying to fit between our laughing mass - and reaches the door, which she opens to Karin's face (pause to imagine) which turns quickly to horror. Karin's almost melting with embarrassment, obviously trying to disappear into a wall, saying "I'm so sorry" over and over. The old lady sniffs and mutter's "disgusting!" as she leads her goat into the apartment. 

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